Rental Housing Journal Reports Oregon Supreme Court Will Review Portland Relocation Ordnance

By November 25, 2020April 13th, 2021Portland Apartment News

The Rental Housing Journal reports the Oregon supreme court will hear the appeal of the Portland landlords after the landlords lost their appeal in the Oregon appeals court.

Attorney for the landlords, John A. Dilorenzo Jr. states why the ordnance is in violation of Oregon state law:

“The ordinance calls the payments ‘relocation assistance,’ but tenants are not required to use the money for that or any other designated purpose. Further, the requirement to make the payments is triggered solely by the size of the rent increase and is intended to limit those rent increases. By penalizing rent increases greater than a certain size, the ordinance is designed to control the rent that may be charged. Accordingly, the ordinance runs afoul of ORS 91.225(2) and ORS 91.225(7), which forbid the rent-control aspects of the ordinance.”

Read the entire article here.


Bernard Gehret

Bernard Gehret

Joseph Bernard Investment Real Estate