Joseph Chaplik on Brian Bushlach's KXL 101 today at 4 pm

By August 18, 2013April 13th, 2021Portland Apartment News
Joseph Chaplik of Joseph Bernard Investment Real Estate on Brian Bushlach's

Joseph Chaplik of Joseph Bernard Investment Real Estate on Brian Bushlach's “Business Briefing” Show

Check out Joe's appearance on KXL 101 today to discuss the apartment market with host Brian Bushlach


This Sunday @ 4:00pm: Great Depression Launches Great Business!

I hope you and your family had a Happy Thanksgiving. In spite of the tough times, we have a lot to be thankful for in America and we have to stay focused on the positives. We're no doubt fighting through the toughest economic times since the 1930's, so it's always inspiring to hear stories of companies founded during that period. This week, our friends at Viking Automatic Sprinkler join me to share the remarkable and rich history of their local company, founded in the depths of the Depression. Today, Viking is not only surviving, but thriving by adjusting their marketing plan and making their already customer-focused service even more so.

In our second hour, we'll focus on the red-hot Portland apartment market with Joseph Chaplik, Founder & President of Joseph Bernard investment real estate. What I like about Joe is he “eats his own cooking”. Many real estate agents talk a good game, but Joe walks it! As an apartment investor himself, he felt the market was under-served for expert advice. So… he started his own company and now closes over a third of all transactions in the market.

Bernard Gehret

Bernard Gehret

Joseph Bernard Investment Real Estate