Portland City Council Voting on Relocation Assistance Fee

By February 26, 2018April 13th, 2021blog, News

The stellar landlord advocacy group, Metrofamily NW, just released this notice regarding the voting of the Portland City Council on making the relocation assistance fee permanent.  I am planning on attending the vote, and will follow up with the results of the vote.

Here is the release:

Portland City Council is again interfering with
our region’s housing market.
This Wednesday Mayor Ted Wheeler and Commissioners Chloe Eudaly, Amanda Fritz, Dan Saltzman and Nick Fish will vote on making their Relocation Assistance fee permanent (currently it’s a temporary program tied to city’s declaration of a housing crisis).
In addition to making the Relocation Ordinance permanent, the city council plans to:
  • Remove the 1-unit exemption to the Relocation Ordinance
  • Mandate landlord reporting to the Portland Housing Bureau whether a Relocation Ordinance exemption is applicable, or report within 30 days of a Relocation Ordinance payment to the tenant.
  • Create a city-wide Landlord/Rental Registration Database. Nearly $400k is being earmarked to develop and staff this rental registration system.
Despite the overwhelming support of these schemes and polices by our activist City Council, it’s still very imperative that the city council sees the rental industry in its chambers on Wednesday afternoon rallying against these wasteful and inappropriate polices with long-term detrimental effects on Portland’s rental market.
Hearing Details:
These Relocation Ordinance proposals have a Time Certain of 3:00pm on Wednesday, February 28th in Council Chambers of Portland City Hall. This will be a busy hearing, and the list to sign up for public testimony will be available starting at 2:00pm – so if you can attend and give testimony, plan to arrive by 2:00pm!
Portland City Hall
1221 SW 4th Avenue
Portland, OR 97204
Bernard Gehret

Bernard Gehret

Joseph Bernard Investment Real Estate